
  • 拇指姑娘 Thumbelina

    类型:动画片电影, 家庭片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Don Bluth, Gary Goldman   编剧:汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生, 唐·布鲁斯

    主演:裘蒂·班森, 吉诺·孔福尔蒂, 加里·英霍夫, 芭芭拉库克, 沙罗

      一位独居的老妇人非常的想要一个女儿,她日夜许愿,终于感动了女巫。女巫给了老妇人一颗种子,叮嘱她一定要每日都给种子浇水,渐渐的,种子发芽了,开花了,小小的拇指姑娘(裘蒂·班森 Jodi Benson 配音)就出生于娇嫩的花蕊之中。
      虽然老妇人每天都非常细心的照顾着拇指姑娘,但是拇指姑娘还是不免感到有些孤独,她渴望遇到一个和她一样大小的伙伴。一天,来自秀珍王国的柯尼斯王子(加里·英霍夫 Gary Imhoff 配音)出现在了拇指姑娘的面前,一见钟情的两人双双坠入了情网之中。王子答应拇指姑娘第二天早晨来接她,哪知道这段对话被蟾蜍太太偷听到了,蟾蜍太太希望拇指姑娘能够嫁给自己的儿子,于是趁着拇指姑娘睡着的时候绑架了她。

  • 瓦伦丁·皮埃尔和卡特琳娜 Valentin Pierre & Catalina

    类型:伦理片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:布鲁斯·拉布鲁斯   编剧:

    主演:Natalia Portnoy, 毕肖普·布莱克, Valentin Braun

      My biggest fantasy is to be in a polyamorous relationship with two guys. I want it to be a romantic relationship, but I also want to find guys who will make love to each other when we're having three-way sex. The desire has to be equal between all three of us or it doesn't work for me. I don't think it will be easy to find. I fantasize about dating two guys who are bes...

  • 发现中国:美食之旅 Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure


    导演:Emma Peach   编剧:

    主演:谭荣辉, Ching He Huang


  • 和平之谷 Dolina miru

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:France Stiglic   编剧:伊万·里比奇

    主演:John Kitzmiller

      A boy (9 years) and a rather younger girl lost their families in an air raid. They have heard about a valley where there is always peace and fancy that this is the house of the boy's uncle. They start wandering for the valley. At the same time an airplane is shot down and the black American pilot jumped by parachute. He finds the children at a ford. There is absolutely no dange...

  • 西西奥莉娜1号 Cicciolina amore mio


    导演:Riccardo Schicchi   编剧:Amasi Damiani, Riccardo Schicchi

    主演:Denise Dior, Roberto Malone, Ilona Staller

      Cicciolina (Ilona Staller) stars in this film which is the first showcase of this future Italian porn star and politician. One man, Riccardino, obsesses over her and it begins to effect his relationship with his girlfriend. Cicciolina though helps bring the 2 together in order for them to experience the ultimate sexual experience.

  • 图鲁·莱卡 La Gallina Turuleca


    导演:Eduardo Gondell, Víctor Monigote   编剧:Pablo Bossi, 胡安·巴勃罗·布斯卡里尼, Eduardo Gondell


      A hen unable to lay eggs finds her life changed when she is sold to a music teacher

  • 饮食文化 Cultural Flavors: 13-Part Global Culinary Tour


    导演:   编剧:


      Cultural Flavors is a cooking tour that takes you around the world one dish at a time. Each episode of this 13 part series provides viewers with a snapshot of life around the dinner table of a different country. In every episode, the unique characteristics of local cuisine are shown, and afterwards each recipe is recreated step-by-step. Highlighted are the spices, vegetables, m...

  • 伊萨谷 Dolina Issy


    导演:塔德乌什·孔维茨基   编剧:塔德乌什·孔维茨基, Czeslaw Milosz

    主演:Anna Dymna, Maria Pakulnis, Danuta Szaflarska

  • 少年厨艺大师 第八季 MasterChef Junior Season 8

    类型:家庭片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:戈登·拉姆齐, Daphne Oz, 阿隆·桑切斯

      MASTERCHEF JUNIOR returns for a highly anticipated eighth season, giving talented kids the chance to showcase their culinary abilities and passion for food through a series of mouth-watering challenges.

  • 女人30+ 第二季


    导演:崔莉莉   编剧:纪润璇, 唐漪淇

    主演:陶虹, 江疏影, 任家萱, 昆凌, 马伊琍, 杨天真
