
  • 米蘭昆德拉:從玩笑到無謂的盛宴 Milan Kundera: From the Joke to Insignificance


    导演:Milos Smídmajer   编剧:

    主演:Jirí Bartoska, Jirí Brabec, Nicolas Briançon

      以小說征服全世界的文壇大師米蘭昆德拉低調成謎。他在 1985 年決定不再接受訪問,也沒公開露面,從此隱身於作品後。如今一名學子,決定挑戰這個不可能的任務:採訪米蘭昆德拉!鏡頭跟隨著他探訪和昆德拉交手過的藝文圈人士,一窺他在家鄉布爾諾的生活、於布拉格 FAMU 電影學院學習及任教期間的獨到作風。為何他在《生命中不能承受之輕》被改編成電影之後,再不允許自己任何一本小說被翻拍成電影?他為何流亡法國,並決定以法語寫作?昆德拉禁止他的法語著作被翻譯成捷克語的原因又是什麼?從昆德拉第一部長篇小說《玩笑》,到打破封筆宣言之作《無謂的盛宴》,逐步揭開他小說中的哲學探討。他對文字的極致要求,絕對令你大開眼界!

  • 送冰的人来了 The Iceman Cometh


    导演:约翰·弗兰克海默   编剧:托马斯·奎因·柯蒂斯

    主演:李·马文, 弗雷德里克·马奇, 罗伯特·瑞安, 杰夫·布里吉斯

      Runtime: 239 min
      Country: USA
      Language: English
      Color: Color (Eastmancolor)
      Sound Mix: Mono
      Certification: USA:PG

  • 香烟女孩 Gadis Kretek

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Ifa Isfansyah, 卡米拉·安迪妮   编剧:Ratih Kumala

    主演:Tutie Kirana, Winky Wiryawan, 迪马斯·阿迪亚, Nungki Kusumastuti, Whani Darmawan, 哈罗·桑德拉, Aksara Dena, Siti Fauziah, Dyah Novia, 迪安·萨斯特劳沃德约, 阿里奥·巴尤, Arya Saloka, 普特里·马里诺, 伊布努·贾米尔, Sheila Dara Aisha, Tissa Biani Azzahra, 鲁克曼·罗萨迪, 威尔第·索莱曼, Ine Febriyanti, 普里特·蒂莫西

      Cigarette Girl (2023), which has garnered significant attention due to the couple Kamila Andini and Ifa Isfansyah, delves into the life of a female protagonist entwined with the 1960s Indonesian cigarette industry.

  • 抹除我 Delete Me


    导演:Marie Kristiansen   编剧:

    主演:埃玛利亚·霍尔姆, Thea Sofie Loch Næss, Happy Jankell

      Follows teenage girls Marion and Marit through the infamous Norwegian high school celebration Russefeiring while they discover an insignificant act can turn their lives upside down.

  • 拯救山姆 Life According to Sam


    导演:Sean Fine, Andrea Nix Fine   编剧:

    主演:Sam Berns, Leslie Gordon, Scott Berns, Francis Collins

      Dr. Leslie Gordon and Dr. Scott Berns fight to save their only son from Progeria, a rare and fatal disease for which there is no treatment or cure. In less than a decade, their work has led to significant advances.

  • 嘻哈风暴 Style Wars

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Henry Chalfant/Tony Silver, Tony Silver   编剧:


      A documentary that exposes the rich growing subculture of hip-hop that was developing in New York City in the late '70s and early '80s, specifically focusing on graffiti art and and breakdancing.

  • 东德红色动画电影 Red Cartoons: Animated Films from East Germany

    类型:动作片电影, 短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Otto Sacher, Klaus Georgi, Sieglinde Hamacher, Marion Rasche, Peter Mißbach, Hans Moser, Thomas Rosié, Lutz Stützner   编剧:


      ☆ 东德动画精选[Animation.Before.Unification](1975-1990)

  • 珍妮特·金 第一季 Janet King Season 1


    导演:彼得·安德基迪斯   编剧:Jane Allen

    主演:‎玛尔塔·杜塞尔多普‎, 哈米什·迈克尔, Akos Armont, 印第安娜·伊万斯, 朱利安·加纳

      Senior Prosecutor Janet King returns from maternity leave to confront a high-profile murder, and a conspiracy which will have shocking ramifications throughout the judicial system.

  • 石之岛 Enys Men


    导演:马克·詹金   编剧:马克·詹金

    主演:玛丽·伍德维恩, 爱德华·罗, Flo Crowe, 约翰·伍德温, Joe Gray, Loveday Twomlow, Callum Mitchell, Morgan Val Baker, Amanda Rawling, Dion Star, 艾萨克·伍德文

      Issues arise related to the gentrification of a small Cornish fishing village.

  • 断林镇谜案 第九季 The Brokenwood Mysterie Season 9

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Torum Heng, Simon Leary, 彼得·汉布尔顿, 苏珊·布莱迪, 布鲁斯·菲利普斯, 萝伊玛塔·福克斯, 尼尔·雷亚, 弗恩·萨瑟兰, Jarod Rawiri, Cristina Serban Ionda, Karl Willetts, Tracy Lee Gray, Kauri Williams, Shane Cortese, Roy Ward, Bronwyn Bradley, 卡梅隆·罗德

      A musical theater performance reenacting Brokenwood's history goes horrifically awry when the composer is electrocuted on stage. But was it murder or just an unfortunate accident?