
  • 帝王蝶之子 Hijo de Monarcas


    导演:Alexis Gambis   编剧:Alexis Gambis

    主演:马特·瓦里奥, 特诺切·韦尔塔, 安杰莉卡·阿拉贡, 伊格纳西奥·瓜达卢佩

      A Mexican biologist in New York copes with traumatic childhood memories and seeks to connect with his estranged brother back home by transforming into the organism he studies: the monarch butterfly.

  • 太虚天使 Englar alheimsins

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Friðrik Þór Friðriksson   编剧:埃纳尔·古德蒙德松

    主演:Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson, Baltasar Kormákur, Hilmir Snær Guðnason

      Páll is an artistic and sensitive young man. Getting dumped by his girlfriend, Dagny, triggers his descent into madness. We follow him on his way to inevitable doom; at home with his parents who finally can't cope, and in the mental institution, Kleppur.

  • 深呼吸 Une nuit en eaux profondes

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Antony Hickling   编剧:安德·施耐德

    主演:安德·施耐德, Stéphanie Michelini

      Maël tries hard to cope with his partner Adam's suicide as well as their troubled past together. Patricia, also one of Adam's lovers, gets herself into danger in her attempt to help Maël in his grief.

  • 木星旅行记 Le voyage sur Jupiter


    导演:Segundo de Chomón   编剧:


      In a medieval palace, an astronomer with a telescope shows the king

  • 伊斯坦布尔,请不要将我遗忘 Unutma Beni İstanbul


    导演:汉尼·阿布-阿萨德, 斯戴芬·阿森尼叶维克, 阿伊达·贝吉奇, Josefina Markarian, Eric Nazarian, Stergios Niziris, 奥玛尔·沙加威   编剧:汉尼·阿布-阿萨德, 斯戴芬·阿森尼叶维克, 阿伊达·贝吉奇, Josefina Markarian, Gul Dirican, 纳兹勒·埃利夫·杜鲁, Eric Nazarian, Stergios Niziris, 奥玛尔·沙加威


      Six acclaimed foreign directors will shoot short films about Istanbul. "Unutma Beni Istanbul" ("Do Not Forget Me Istanbul") is part of a project carried out within the scope of the city being European Capital of Culture 2010.

  • 羁绊 Nicht

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Sven Spur   编剧:Sven Spur

    主演:Danny Bouman, Lukas Bulteel, Margot Heydt

      The story of Tom, an adolescent who learns to cope with his sexuality. Which is not always easy.

  • 点 Dot

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Will Studd, Ed Patterson   编剧:

    主演:Aardman Animation

      阿曼德动画公司制作这部短片的初衷是为了纪念迷你显微镜CellScope的诞生。CellScope由加州伯克利分校丹尼尔·弗莱彻教授发明,原本用于 医学,当前显微镜仍然是医学诊断的必要工具。并且创造了新的吉尼斯世界纪录——世界上最小的定格动画短片。
      在这个动画短片中,一个 仅仅只有9毫米高的小女孩被唤醒,并且不断前行探索未知世界。前有险阻,后无退路,人生只有一直勇往直前,直面困难,痛并快乐着地成长,才能在最后酣然入睡。

  • 遗留之伤 Present Trauma


    导演:Mark Manalo   编剧:Jeff Chanley

    主演:Patrick John Flueger, Alimi Ballard, Mavil Avila

      'Present Trauma' is a psychological drama about Keith, a Marine veteran struggling to cope with family life after a combat tour overseas. A chance encounter with a stray and wounded dog profoundly affects Keith's life in a way that he never expects.

  • 3 Logical Exits


    导演:Mahdi Fleifel   编剧:Mahdi Fleifel

    主演:Reda Al-Saleh

      A sociological meditation on the different "exits" that young Palestinians choose, in order to cope with life in the refugee camps.

  • 完美帝国 L'empire de la perfection

    类型:纪录片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:朱利安·法罗   编剧:

    主演:约翰·麦肯罗, Ivan Lendl, 马修·阿马立克, Gil de Kermadec, Jacques Pernod, Cédric Quignon-Fleuret, Nicolas Thibault

      Oscilloscope Laboratories购得讲述约翰·麦肯罗的纪录片[完美帝国]北美发行权。导演朱利安·法洛特,马修·阿马立克([伊斯梅尔的幽魂])担任解说。该片聚焦这位七次大满贯得主唯一一次打入法国网球公开赛决赛的经历,他的暴脾气也在片中展露无遗。影片已于今年柏林电影节首映,8月北美上映。