
  • 世界和平 Peace on Earth

    类型:剧情片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:休·哈曼   编剧:

    主演:Mel Blanc

      A baby squirrel asks his grandfather to tell him what happened to all the men. The old squirrel reveals that all the humans were killed years ago in a terrible war. The surviving animals started a new society, based on the lessons taught in the Bible.

  • 安娜·巴甫洛娃 Анна Павлова

    类型:剧情片电影, 音乐片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Emil Loteanu   编剧:埃米尔·洛提阿努

    主演:Galina Belyayeva, Lina Buldakova, Sergei Shakurov

      The film is based on the biography of the legendary Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova.

  • 静谧猎人 Serene Hunter

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Jason Bushman   编剧:Jason Bushman

    主演:Eric Debets, Flannan Obé, Jonathan Blanc

      有人终日为情所困,长吁短叹;有人却对它不以为然,嗤之以鼻。 法国壮男Luc热衷于新鲜和刺激。网路交友、见面、上床构成了他生活的全部。直到遇见Sebastien-他们同居了。Sebastien在伦敦有位固定伴侣Jon。每逢夏季Jon都会来巴黎与他的小情人相会。这次对Luc来说似乎有所不同。继续追逐新的猎物还是展开一段恋情,Luc会何去何从。本片导演Jason bushman(饰Sebastien)以写实的拍摄手法,用大尺度、具有视觉冲击力的镜头折射出同志间微妙的关系。◎QAF

  • 爆裂警察 Krack


    导演:Gopichand Malineni   编剧:Gopichand Malineni, Sai Madhav Burra

    主演:施卢蒂·哈森, 拉维·泰贾, 瓦拉拉克什米·萨拉特库马尔, Apsara Rani, Samuthirakani, Sudhakar Komakula, Vamsee Chaganti, Mouryani, Chirag Jani, Devi Sri Prasad

      The film is based on multiple true incidents that took place in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

  • 星期二 Sali

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Ziya Demirel   编剧:Ziya Demirel

    主演:Melis Balaban, Yonca Hiç, Can Karacayli, Zeki Ocak

      An ordinary school day for a teenage girl in Istanbul and her encounters with three different men as she goes to school, plays basketball and takes a bus on the way home.

  • 店铺 Der Laden


    导演:Jo Baier   编剧:乔·拜尔

    主演:Ole Brandmeyer, 巴斯蒂安·特罗斯特

      Director Jo Baier assumed the challenge to direct these mini series about the life of Esau Matte and his family, based on his autobiographical novel. The story unfolds using the history of East Germany as a background. - J.J. Satie.

  • 复仇的助理 La volante

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:克里斯托弗·阿里, 尼古拉斯·伯尼洛瑞   编剧:克里斯托弗·阿里, 菲利普·布莱斯本, 雅克·苏提

    主演:纳塔莉·贝伊, 马立克·兹迪, 约翰·雷森, 让-斯坦·杜·帕克


  • 成吉思汗的两匹骏马 Das Lied von den zwei Pferden


    导演:比亚姆巴苏伦·达娃   编剧:比亚姆巴苏伦·达娃

    主演:Urna Chahar-Tugchi, Hicheengui Sambuu, Chimed Dolgor

      《成吉思汗的两匹骏马》原为蒙古族民间叙事诗,是长调名曲,它讲述了成吉思汗训练的两匹非常矫健的小骏马从逃离到最终回归马群、立下汗马功劳的故事。而电影《成吉思汗的两匹骏马》由琵亚芭苏伦·戴娃(Byambasuren DAVAA)导演,乌仁娜担任主演。它讲述的故事是这样的:乌仁娜的奶奶珍藏有一把马头琴,琴上镌刻着《成吉思汗的两匹骏马》的文字。文革年代,琴身遭毁,只留下马头和残缺的诗词。奶奶临终前嘱托乌仁娜,一定要找到完整的诗词。为了完成奶奶的遗愿,乌仁娜一路找寻,从内蒙来到外蒙……

  • 大公牛 The Big Bull

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Kookie V. Gulati   编剧:Arjun Dhawan, Kookie V. Gulati, 瑞提什·沙阿

    主演:阿布舍克·巴强, 伊利亚娜·狄克鲁兹, 萨米尔·索尼

      The story of the film is based on real events of financial market that took place between 1990 and 2000 involving Harshad Mehta and his financial crimes.

  • 三代不出舅家门 Venky Mama

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:Bobby Kolli   编剧:Janardhan Maharshi, Srikanth Vissa

    主演:Raashi Khanna, Payal Rajput, 普拉卡什·拉贾, Naga Chaitanya Akkineni

      A story of nephew and a son which revolves around their emotions and village drama and army based story.