
  • 致命风暴 The Mortal Storm


    导演:·   编剧:克劳丁·韦斯特, 汉斯·拉莫

    主演:玛格里特·苏利文, 詹姆斯·斯图尔特, 罗伯特·杨

      The Roth family leads a quiet life in a small village in the German Alps during the early 1930s. When the Nazis come to power, the family is divided and Martin Brietner, a family friend is caught up in the turmoil.

  • 台口餐厅 Stage Door Canteen

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 歌舞片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:·   编剧:德尔默·戴夫斯


      The storyline of the film follows several women who volunteer for the Canteen and who must adhere to strict rules of conduct, the most important of which is that while their job is to provide friendly companionship to and be dance partners for the (often nervous) men who are soon to be sent into combat, no romantic fraternization is allowed. One volunteer who confesses to only ...

  • 比利小子 Billy the Kid

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影, 西部片电影

    导演:戴维·米勒, ·   编剧:布拉德伯里·富特, 吉恩·福勒, 霍华德·埃米特·罗杰斯

    主演:罗伯特·泰勒, 布莱恩·唐莱维, 伊恩·亨特

      Billy Bonney is a hot-headed gunslinger who narrowly skirts a life of crime by being befriended and hired by a peaceful rancher, Eric Keating. When Keating is killed, Billy seeks revenge on the men who killed him, even if it means opposing his friend, Marshal Jim Sherwood.

  • 难测女人心 Bad Girl


    导演:·   编剧:埃德温·J·伯克, Rudolf Sieber, 比尼亚·德尔马

    主演:詹姆斯·杜恩, 萨利·艾勒斯, Minna Gombell, Sarah Padden

      A man and woman, skeptical about romance, nonetheless fall in love and are wed, but their lack of confidence in the opposite sex haunts their marriage.(http://www.kan84.net/bdhd/btBadGirl1931.html)

  • 奇异的货物 Strange Cargo

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:·   编剧:安尼塔·卢斯, 劳伦斯·哈泽德, 莱赛尔·萨缪尔斯

    主演:克拉克·盖博, 琼·克劳馥, 伊恩·亨特, 彼得·洛

      Verne (Clark Gable) wants nothing more than to escape from a penal colony located off the northern coast of South America. He tries to involve Julie (Joan Crawford), a saloon girl, in his plans but she turns him in to the authorities. On Verne's next try, he piggybacks on the escape of six other convicts and runs into Julie again in the process. One of the convicts is a spiritu...

  • 告别武器 A Farewell to Arms

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:·   编剧:本杰明·格雷泽, 奥利弗·H·P·加勒特, 欧内斯特·海明威, 劳伦斯·斯托林斯

    主演:Agostino Borgato, Robert Cauterio, 玛塞勒·科尔代, 基诺·科拉多, George Humbert, 威廉·欧文, 多丽丝·劳埃德, 弗雷德·马拉泰斯塔, 保罗·波尔卡西, 海伦·海丝, 加里·库珀, 阿道夫·门吉欧, 玛丽·菲利普斯, 杰克·拉鲁, 布朗什·弗雷德里克, 玛丽·福布斯, 吉尔伯特·埃默里, 爱丽斯· 亚岱尔, 亨利·阿尔梅塔, Tom Ricketts, 赫尔曼·宾, Frederick Sullivan

      亨利(加里·库柏 Gary Cooper 饰)是一位热血沸腾的青年,战争爆发了,他自愿前往意大利,成为了一名救护车驾驶员。在意大利,亨利结识了名为凯瑟琳(海伦·海丝 Helen Hayes 饰)的美丽护士,之后,亨利因为受伤被送进了米兰医院,在那里,他和凯瑟琳重逢了。

  • 战后三友 Three Comrades


    导演:·   编剧:埃里希·玛利亚·雷马克, F. 斯科特·菲茨杰拉德, Edward E. Paramore Jr.

    主演:罗伯特·泰勒, 玛格里特·苏利文, 法兰奇·汤恩, 罗伯特·杨

      A love story centered around the lives of three young German soldiers in the years following World War I. Their close friendship is strengthened by their shared love for the same woman who is dying of tuberculosis.

  • 飞行太保 Flight Command

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:·   编剧:Harvey S. Haislip, John Sutherland

    主演:艾迪生·理查兹, Forbes Murray, 玛莎·亨特, 罗伯特·泰勒, 露丝·赫希, 沃尔特·皮金, 保罗·凯利, 夏佩德·斯特鲁德维克, 雷德·斯克尔顿, 纳特·彭德尔顿, 迪克·波赛尔, 威廉·坦嫩, William Stelling, Stanley Smith

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