
  • 日本蝴蝶 Les papillons japonais


    导演:··   编剧:


      A trick film in which a magician’s botanical drawings come to life. A butterfly woman displays her costume before morphing into a serpentine dancer.

  • 秘密箱子(残片) The Secret Suitcase - fragment


    导演:··   编剧:塞冈多·德·乔蒙


  • 奇妙的镜子 Les glaces merveilleuses


    导演:··   编剧:

    主演:Julienne Mathieu

      A talented youth has compounded a wonderful fluid, a little of which he applies to the mirror in his room, and when he looks into it his image comes to life and comes out of the frame and imitates his every action. As soon as he rubs the fluid off the mirror his double disappears. When the servant come in, a little of the fluid is again rubbed on the mirror, and he has the same...

  • 阿拉伯巫师 Le sorcier arabe


    导演:··   编剧:塞冈多·德·乔蒙


  • 露露 Lulù


    导演:··   编剧:


  • 洛伊·富勒 Loie Fuller

    类型:短片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:··   编剧:


  • 鬼屋 La maison ensorcelée


    导演:··   编剧:塞冈多·德·乔蒙


  • 小鲍勃的戏剧 Le théâtre de Bob

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:··   编剧:费迪南·齐卡


      Three young children set up a table, and on the table is placed a miniature stage. The stage curtain opens, a carpet appears, and then the carpet unrolls by itself. Two puppet figures then come out and begin to perform a series of routines.

  • 羊蹄 Le pied de mouton


    导演:··   编剧:


      Don Lopez a une filleule, Léonora, qu’il destine à un riche seigneur, Nigaudinos, aussi niais qu’il est puissant. Mais Léonora s’est fiancée, à l’insu de son parrain, à son cousin Gusman. Celui-ci, désespéré du refus de Don Lopez, se jette sur son glaive. Mais la fée Primevère, qui lui veut du bien, intervient et lui donne, comme talisman, le pied d’un mouton qu’elle sacrifie a...

  • 红色幽灵 Le spectre rouge

    类型:恐怖片电影, 短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:··, 费迪南·齐卡   编剧:塞冈多·德·乔蒙


      In a strange grotto deep in the bowels of the earth a coffin uprights itself, dances, then opens, and out steps a demonic magician with skeletal face, horns, and cape. He wraps two women (who appear to be in a trance) in fabric, levitates them, and causes them to burst into flames and disappear. As he gathers their ashes in a pitcher a Good Spirit [a young woman who resembles P...