
  • 星期二 Tuesday

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:夏洛特·威尔斯   编剧:夏洛特·威尔斯 Charlotte Wells

    主演:Megan McGill

      Sixteen-year-old Allie begins to accept the magnitude of a recent loss.

  • Martha

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Mara Eibl-Eibesfeldt   编剧:Mara Eibl-Eibesfeldt

    主演:Nina Franoszek, Hans-Jörg Grosse, Markus Hinterbichler

      Martha is single, middle-aged, and lives alone in central Berlin. She accepts a male tenant David who is half her age. David is intrigued by her attempts at the dating game, and secretly follows her progress.

  • 冰血缉凶 第三季 Cardinal Season 3

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Daniel Grou   编剧:Patrick Tarr

    主演:比利·坎贝尔, Kathryn Alexandre, 艾伦·阿什莫, 卡琳·瓦纳斯, 阿兰娜·贝尔

      In the aftermath of Catherine's suicide, Detective John Cardinal outwardly accepts the evidence that she took her own life, but when he starts to receive taunting greeting cards blaming him for her death, he begins to question the suicide.

  • 欲海情魔 Undercurrent


    导演:Frank Kerr   编剧:Wayne Behar

    主演:Lorenzo Lamas, Brenda Strong, Frank Vincent

      A nightclub manager with financial problems accepts an offer to seduce another man's wife for money, and soon finds himself entwined in a web of double-crossing con artists.

  • 神奇狗缇奇的冒险 The Adventures of Tikki the Wonder Dog


    导演:   编剧:Patricia Jarosz, Sean Johnson, Kate Steen

    主演:波波·斯图尔特, 卡莎, Marcello Canales, Maeesha Vanya Boursiquot

      Tikki and friends teach everyday life lessons of diversity, acceptance, and inclusion through songs and adventures that are worthwhile during their journey to find Picasso, who has been bullied and made to feel he does not matter.

  • 艺术史老师 第二季 Notas Aparte Season 2


    导演:Anna Asensio, Anna Cuyàs, Alba Guillén   编剧:Alba Guillén

    主演:Aysha Daraaui, Begoña Miranda, Mònica Rius Bonet

      Sara, an apathetic teenager, will get art history tutoring from Helena. What neither of them know is that simple art lessons will become a more personal journey for Sara to accept herself.

  • 我的妈啊 第二季 Motherland Season 2


    导演:朱丽叶·梅   编剧:莎朗·豪根, 格雷厄姆·莱恩汉, Helen Linehan

    主演:Paul Ready, Diane Morgan, 史蒂芬·萨姆森, 安娜·麦克西维尔·马丁, 露茜·彭奇, 奥利弗·克里斯, 萨比恩·克洛森

      This is a programme about navigating the trials and traumas of middle-class motherhood, looking at the competitive side and unromantic take on parenting - not the cute and acceptable public face of motherhood.

  • My First Day

    类型:恐怖片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Jon Kovel   编剧:Jon Kovel

    主演:Reiley Cook, Nancy Nazari, Joseph Nelson

      Little Anthony has been accepted into a school that's a cut above the rest.

  • X战警 第二季 X-Men Season 2

    类型:动作片电影, 动画片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:Larry Houston, Richard Bowman   编剧:Mark Edward Edens, 约翰·伯恩, 杰克·科比, 斯坦·李, Eric Lewald

    主演:Cathal J. Dodd, George Buza, Norm Spencer, 塞德里克·史密斯, 莉诺·赞

      A team of mutant superheroes fight for justice and human acceptance in the Marvel Comics universe.

  • 咖喱鱼 The Fish Curry

    类型:动画片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Abhishek Verma   编剧:Abhishek Verma, Jayesh Bhosale


      Lalit, 28, decides to come-out to his own parents. In order to reveal his sexuality, seeking acceptance, he cooks his father favorite fish curry.