
  • 博尔赫斯纪事 Borges para millones


    导演:里卡多·伍利彻   编剧:

    主演:豪·路·博尔, Margarita Bali, 玛丽亚·儿玉

      Entrevista a Jorge Luis Borges y a otros en torno a la vida del famoso escritor.Una autobiopgrafia en el mas puro estilo borgiano.

  • 豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯:镜中人 Un siècle d'écrivains, Jorge Luis Borges, l'homme miroir


    导演:Philippe Molins   编剧:


      Although honors came late in life to Jorge Luis Borges, his unique worldview had begun to emerge even as a child. This program examines the life and literary career of the charismatic Argentine writer, as well as the thematic, symbolic, and mythological underpinnings of his works. Archival interviews with Borges; his mother, Leonor Acevedo de Borges; his second wife, Maria Koda...

  • 塔图 Herostratus


    导演:Don Levy   编剧:Don Levy

    主演:Mona Chin, 迈克尔·戈特哈德, Gabriella Licudi, Hilda Marvin, 海伦·米伦

      Disillusioned poet Max decides to commit suicide, but rather than making it a quiet affair, Max contacts the local media so that, he hopes, his name will live on. On the appointed day, however, Max suddenly has a change of heart, but with an eagerly expectant media in attendance, he finds that he is no longer in control of events.

  • 赫斯顿学做饭 How to Cook Like Heston


    导演:Joe Downing   编剧:Jessica Jones



  • 作家博尔赫斯 Profile Of A Writer: Borges (1983)


    导演:大卫·惠特利   编剧:


      Acclaimed writer, Jorge Luis Borges, discusses his life, his work and his influences.
      The film consists of interviews in English with Borges, as well as short dramatizations in Spanish of several of his stories. There are no subtitles, but the dialogue in the dramatizations is fairly sparse.
      Dramatizations include:
      Funes the Memorious
      The Circular Ruins
      The South
      Death and the ...

  • 卡尔·赫斯:走向自由 Karl Hess: Toward Liberty

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Peter W. Ladue, Roland Hallé   编剧:


  • 与博尔赫斯一起散步 Paseo con Borges


    导演:阿道夫·加西亚·维德拉   编剧:


      Paseando por su Buenos Aires, Jorge Luís Borges nos pasea, también, por su concepción de la literatura, por sus ideas, por su mundo. Este retrato fílmico del escritor nos permite seguir su imagen a través de la ciudad que tanto amó, y a la que definió en uno de sus versos más conocidos: …“No nos une el amor, sino el espanto; / será por eso que la quiero tanto.” Anibal Troilo y ...

  • 之子:拉克勒 Hercules

    类型:动作片电影, 奇幻片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:布莱特·拉特纳   编剧:莱恩·康道尔, 埃文·斯彼里奥托普洛斯, 史蒂夫·摩尔

    主演:艾萨克·安德鲁, 乔·安德森, 蒂芬·皮科克, 尼古拉·莫, 道恩·强森, 伊恩·麦柯肖恩, 约翰·特, 卢夫·塞维尔, 阿卡塞尔·亨涅, 英格丽德·波尔索·贝达尔, 瑞·里奇, 约瑟夫·

      宙之子拉克勒(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)自幼饱尝人世间难以想象的苦痛与磨练,他完成了神所安排的十二项试炼,创造了万众敬仰的半神传奇。

  • 赫斯顿的英伦盛宴 第一季 Heston's Great British Food Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


      A weird and wonderful television series purely devoted to great British delicacies.

  • 尸姬 屍姫


    导演:村田雅彦   编剧:会川升

    主演:秋山奈奈, 藤原启治, 羽染達也, 千叶纱子, 菊地美香, 川岛得爱, 中村知世

      在一场阴谋中,高中生星村真姬娜(秋山奈奈 配音)及其全家被名为“七星”的神秘组织全数杀害。之后,和尚田神景世(藤原启治 配音)利用属大元帅系真元密宗的光言宗的神秘法术将真姬娜复活使其成为“尸姬”——一种死前怨念极深,复活后拥有异于常人的强大行动力的活死人。尸姬通常为女性,按照契约中所述,她们要跟同类“尸”战斗,当斩杀满108个敌人后,即可获得通往极乐世界的资格。
      不久之后,田神景世战死,他与真姬娜的契约转换到了其养子花神旺里(羽染达也 配音)手中。在同伴的帮助下,真姬娜开始追查杀害父母的真凶的下落,而邪恶的“七星”也为了某些秘密的目的而开始蠢蠢欲动。