
  • 类型:家庭片电影

    导演:蔡萱   编剧:蔡萱

    主演:黄永良, 曾慧芬, 李南星, 黄毓敏

      陆恒(黄奕良 饰)和吴启凡(李南星 饰)就读于南洋美专,是两名热爱艺术积极向上的年轻人。陆恒自小和母亲相依为命,靠着母亲辛辛苦苦开的士赚来的钱才能够获得如今学习的宝贵几乎,因此格外珍惜,更在闲暇时候到冰厂打工,以减轻母亲的负担。
      吴启凡则要幸运的多,家境还算殷实的他父母双全,父亲吴润元(极竣贺 饰)是一名中药医师,在行业内德高望重。吴润元希望儿子能够继承自己的职业,亦成为医师,无奈吴启凡 独独喜欢艺术,对悬壶济世没有半点兴趣,父子两人因此产生了巨大的矛盾。毕业之后,陆恒进入了广告公司上班,并凭借着聪慧和努力获得了上司的认可。

  • 色调的爱丽丝 Darker Shades of Elise

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Jamie Weston   编剧:Shannon Holiday

    主演:Tommy Vilés, Anna Engerström, Ezzet-Charbel Baccache, Saudiq Baoku, Tessa Hart, 贝基·弗莱彻, 达西·罗斯, Louisa Warren, 塔拉·麦高兰, 克莱尔·玛丽亚·福克斯, 夏琳·库珀, 阿伦·布莱克, Tony Manders, Kate Lush, Danny Coakley, David Roy

      After her heartbreaking miscarriage and failing career as a model, Elise has now found herself without a career and living as a stay at home wife to a wealthy business man who, over the years, seems to have got tired of her. Worried he is being unfaithful, Elise goes to spy on him, when she bumps into a mysterious and alluring photographer. A passion strikes between them both a...

  • 色调男人的死亡之梦 Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men


    导演:David Hinton   编剧:Lloyd Newson

    主演:Lloyd Newson, Nigel Charnock

      故事灵感来自于连环杀手Dennis Nilsen的真实事件,藉此探索现代人的孤独和欲望以及信任

  • IU的盘 아이유의 팔레트

    类型:音乐片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:崔珉豪, 李泰民, 卞约汉, 孔刘, 李秀贤, 李灿赫, 赵权, 李昶旻, 任瑟雍, 李知恩, 郑宰沅, 权爀禹, 李昇基, 黄礼志, 崔智寿, 申留真, 李彩领, 申有娜, 温流, 郑镇云, 金起范, 朴宰范

  • 梵谷-浓烈的黄色调 vincent van gogh-la haute note jaune


    导演:ALAIN JAUBERT   编剧:



  • 类型:

    导演:叶韶宇 赵子航   编剧:叶韶宇



  • 类型:剧情片电影

    导演:哈斯朝鲁   编剧:



  • 爱恨

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 短片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:浦贤   编剧:浦贤

    主演:蔡怡薇, 刘忠勇


  • エアコン


    导演:Kenji Onishi   编剧:Kenji Onishi


      The Air-Conditioning System (1997) introduces us to a young man in his flat, and the ways of communication with his girlfriend. The sky is blue and skirts are put on the balcony for drying. The wind will carry everything away, just like the noise and music or the porn we watch with him later on TV (he prefers to look at western blonde women). What will happen when the young wom...

  • 变 Modulations

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Iara Lee   编剧:

    主演:Afrika Bambaataa, Carl Cox, Derrick May/Genesis P-Orridge/DJ SPOOKY

      This is the first true explanation of why i love electronic music, 16 August 1999
      Author: (knocj001@students.unisa.edu.au) from Adelaide, Australia
      I saw Modulations as part of a film festival here in Adelaide; i wish now that i had gone and seen it twice. I finally found out WHY i like dance/electronic music while watching it. The first feeling i had as i walked out of...