
  • 东德情结 Der Ost-Komplex

    类型:纪录片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:约亨·希克   编剧:约亨·希克

    主演:Mario Roellig

      Being gay, young and conservative, Mario Röllig is one of the most in-demand witnesses to the atrocities committed by the GDR. He guides groups through today’s memorial site in the former Stasi prison where he was once incarcerated. Röllig confronts GDR aficionados and is also confronted by people who still believe in social utopias and who also talk about freedom (without ever...

  • 东德往事 Damals in der DDR


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Dieter Baumann, Johanna Danschke, Johannes Decker

      Life Behind The Wall looks at the now extinct German Democratic Republic fifteen years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The now extinct German Democratic Republic (GDR) experienced a worldwide resurrection with the cinema success of films such as Good Bye, Lenin! To mark the 15th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall,Life Behind The Wall conveys the history of the East G...

  • 东德朋克,未来无限 Ostpunk! Too Much Future


    导演:Michael Boehlke, Carsten Fiebeler   编剧:


      Punk rock in Western Europe was a popular culture phenomenon with political roots. Punk rock in the GDR was a political phenomenon against a popular culture backdrop. Those who refused to fit into a society collectivised by fiat emphasised their individualism as a mark of protest. A time of rebellion, loud music and a struggle to find oases of freedom.

  • 东德时尚往事 In einem Land, das es nicht mehr gibt


    导演:Aelrun Goette   编剧:Aelrun Goette

    主演:Lorenzo Gandolfo, Berit Künnecke, Lucia Peraza Rios, 玛莱内·布罗, 萨宾·塔布瑞亚, 大卫·舒特, 克劳迪亚·米歇尔森, 耶迪斯·特里贝尔, 贝恩·

      1989 年柏林,高中毕业前不久,18岁的 苏茜被学校开除,成为电缆厂的工人。在上班的路上,她不小心被拍到了。这张照片登上了时尚杂志《SIBYLLE》的封面,苏茜一夜之间成为了写真模特。

  • 东德红色动画电影 Red Cartoons: Animated Films from East Germany

    类型:动作片电影, 短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Otto Sacher, Klaus Georgi, Sieglinde Hamacher, Marion Rasche, Peter Mißbach, Hans Moser, Thomas Rosié, Lutz Stützner   编剧:


      ☆ 东德动画精选[Animation.Before.Unification](1975-1990) http://movie.douban.com/doulist/1693689/

  • 出柜在东柏林:同性恋者在东德 Out in Ost-Berlin - Lesben und Schwule in der DDR


    导演:约亨·希克, Andreas Strohfeldt   编剧:约亨·希克, Andreas Strohfeldt


      In 1968, paragraph 175, which made homosexual behavior punish able by law was abolished in the German Democratic Republic. At first homosexuality was considered a negligible issue in 'real existing socialism'. The nuclear family constituted the center of social society. »Out in East Berlin« tells the various, impressive-to-absurd personal histories of gay men and lesbians durin...

  • 男人之间:东德的男同性恋 Unter Männern - Schwul in der DDR


    导演:Ringo Rösener, Markus Stein   编剧:Ringo Rösener



  • 京库尔 東京クルド


    导演:日向史有   编剧:



  • 理查西 Richard's Things


    导演:安尼·哈维   编剧:弗雷德里克·拉菲尔

    主演:伊恩·麦克迪阿梅, Rose Power, 伊丽莎白·斯普里格斯, Gwen Taylor, 丽芙·乌曼, 阿曼达·雷曼, 蒂姆·皮戈特-史密斯, Peter Burton, 特蕾西·蔡尔兹, Franco

  • 类型:剧情片电影

    导演:吕聿来   编剧:


      Having long pursued his success, a brother returns to his hometown and is warmly welcomed by his sister. Like sunshine in winter, she embraces her brother who feels guilty and remorseful from having left their hometown alone. The film shows the wisdom of life accepting the way it is, rather than clinging to the past and having old grudge.