
  • Masterclass - David Lynch Teaches Creativity and Film


    导演:   编剧:


      An avant-garde figure in filmmaking, David Lynch introduced mainstream audiences to art-house films.
      Now the Oscar-nominated director of Mulholland Drive teaches his cross-disciplinary creative process.
      Learn how he catches ideas, translates them into a narrative, and moves beyond formulaic storytelling. Embrace the art life in David’s MasterClass and learn to test the boundari...

  • 不良教育 第三季 Bad Education Season 3


    导演:Al Campbell   编剧:Freddy Syborn, 杰克·怀特霍尔

    主演:杰克·怀特霍尔, Jack Binstead, 雅基·波特斯万, Kae Alexander, 杰克·本斯, 莱顿·威廉姆斯, 查理·沃纳姆, 妮琪·罗南克莱斯, 马修·豪勒, 莎拉·索蕾玛尼

      A comedy series about a teacher who is a bigger kid than the kids he teaches.

  • 校园哲学家 第一季 Merlí Season 1

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Eduard Cortés, Menna Fité   编剧:Héctor Lozano

    主演:Iñaki Mur, Pau Poch, 大卫·索兰斯 David Solans, 弗兰塞斯克·奥雷利亚, 佩雷·庞塞, 卡洛斯.古尔巴斯, Marta Marco, Candela Antón, Albert Baró, Elisabet Casanovas, Júlia Creus, Marcos Franz, Adrian Grösser

      TV series about a high school philosophy teacher, Merlí, who teaches in an original way, and about the students of his class, including his own son, and the relationship, friendship, love, and problems between the students of the class.

  • 戈尔 Gore


    导演:迈克尔·霍夫曼   编剧:迈克尔·霍夫曼, 杰伊·帕里尼

    主演:Benjamin Stender, Anton Alexander, Bruce McGuire, Jacelyn Parry, 凯文·史派西, 迈克尔·斯图巴, 道格拉斯·布斯, 弗雷娅·梅弗, 格里芬·邓恩, 罗伯特‧马瑟, 吉姆·麦司奇门, 尼科莱·金斯基, 法尔杜特·夏尔马, 凯蒂·麦戈文, 亚历克西雅·默里

      A young man spends a summer in Italy where he meets his idol, Gore Vidal, who teaches him about life, love, and politics.

  • 爆裂鼓手(短片) Whiplash

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:达米恩·查泽雷   编剧:达米恩·查泽雷

    主演:J·K·西蒙斯, 约翰尼·西蒙斯, 保罗·迪兹, Suanne Spoke, C.J. Vana

      A ferocious, bullying music teacher teaches a dedicated student.

  • 蒲塔河 Putahe


    导演:Roman Perez Jr.   编剧:Jonison Fontanos

    主演:Nathan Cajucom, Mon Confiado, Ayanna Misola, Janelle Lazo Tee

      When Euka arrives at the island, Jenna, a young barrio lass aspires to be like her. When Euka teaches her everything, Jenny realizes she has taken a dose of her own medicine.

  • 趣味手淫 Masturbation: Putting the Fun Into Self-Loving

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影, Adult片电影

    导演:J.T. Tepnapa   编剧:J.T. Tepnapa

    主演:Travis Michael Holder, Dr. Sigmond Winston, Adam Browne

      Dr. Sigmund Winston, along with the help of his trusty sidekick Billy, teaches the students of the 1950s how to put more excitement into self-loving.

  • 祝你好运 I Wish You All the Best


    导演:汤米·多夫曼   编剧:汤米·多夫曼, 梅森·迪弗

    主演:亚历珊德拉·达达里奥, 柯瑞·福格尔玛尼斯

      It follows a teen who after being kicked out of the house by their parents, embarks upon a journey of self-discovery that teaches them about love, friendship, and family.

  • 小小科学探索家 第一季 Little malabar Season 1

    类型:动画片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:   编剧:


      Explore the universe with little malabar, a curious little boy who travels in space and teaches kids about oceans, mountains, planets and stars.

  • 偷窥课程 プライベート・レッスン


    导演:和泉圣治   编剧:冈田惠和, 笠井健夫, 丹·格林伯格

    主演:稻垣吾郎, 乔安娜·帕库拉, 中居正广, 柄本明

      An insecure young Asian man, played by Japanese pop star Goro Inagaki, meats an interesting sensual European woman who teaches him the secrets of love and life.

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