
  • 名门街 Quality Street

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:乔治·史蒂文斯   编剧:詹姆斯·巴里, 艾伦·斯科特, 莫蒂默·奥夫纳

    主演:凯瑟琳·赫本, 琼·芳登

      In the 1810s, an old maid poses as her own niece in order to teach her onetime beau a lesson.

  • Jim Gaffigan: Quality Time


    导演:Jeannie Gaffigan   编剧:吉姆·加菲根


    Get ready to sit back and enjoy some Quality Time with Jim Gaf...

  • 质量品控 Quality Control


    导演:凯文·杰罗姆·埃弗森   编剧:


      Quality Control consists of a series of 16mm single take shots filmed in the summer of 2010, over a

  • 宝贵时光 Quality Time

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:达恩·巴克克   编剧:

    主演:里纳斯·克鲁尔, Tomas Alf Larsen, Ria Marks, Laura Mentink, Steve Aernouts, Thomas Bechmann, Thomas Aske Berg, Anneke Blok, Bert Bunschoten, Raymonde de Kuyper, Fred Goessens, 维加·霍尔, Wendell Jaspers, Noel Keulen, Willemijn Kressenhof

      《宝贵时光》由达恩·巴克克编剧执导,影片有五个主人公,分别讲述了五个故事。五个独立的故事虽显示出不同的风格,但在视觉上有很强的联系。达恩·巴克克通过《宝贵时光》传达出我们需要在这个复杂的社会中找到属于自己的天地的理念。 柯恩在其生病之前,每次家庭聚会时都会表现出对火腿和牛奶的喜爱;业余摄影师斯特凡在记录自己童年记忆时出现了一系列尴尬局面;谢尔通过时间旅行回到童年来改变提升自我价值;查尔斯在自己青年时代被外星人绑架,回到父母身边时身体已经发生了变异;当杰夫打算面见未来岳父岳母并给他们留下好印象时,他的偏执症却不巧地发作,进而打破了自己的计划。

  • 优质杀手 A Murder of Quality


    导演:Gavin Millar   编剧:John le Carré

    主演:丹霍姆·艾略特, 乔斯·雅克兰德, 格兰达·杰克逊, 比莉·怀特劳, 大卫·斯瑞弗, 罗纳德·皮卡普, 马修·史库尔费艾乐德, 克里斯蒂安·贝尔

      Taken from the book by John le Carre, George Smiley rallies to the aid of his former intelligence colleague, Ailsa Brimley, to investigate a mysterious letter from a junion master's wife at Carne School - a boy's school. When Smiley goes to Carne to investigate, he finds the junior master's wife brutually murdered with her husband as one of the suspects. Smiley begins to scratc...

  • 刘易斯探案:仁慈的品质 Lewis: The Quality of Mercy

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:比利·埃尔特林厄姆   编剧:艾伦·普拉特

    主演:凯文·沃特利, 劳伦斯·福克斯, 克莱尔·霍尔曼, 丽贝卡·弗朗特, 格威利姆·李

      A student production of The Merchant of Venice takes real-life deadly turn when a cast member is killed using a prop knife. Apart from the jealous ensemble cast who can't even muster fake tears over the loss of their colleague, there is an audience of suspects to consider — a career con man, an egotistical television personality and a young man who just might have killed to get...

  • 不平等:财富如何变成权力 Inequality: How Wealth Becomes Power


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Christoph Gröner, Thomas Clauss

      DW记者跟拍了分属三个阶层的代表人物长达6个月的时间,他们分别是代表新贵的Christoph Gröner的富豪,代表中产阶级的Thomas Clauss和代表贵族阶层的“冯先生”。通过他们的经历,向人们揭示了德国社会不平等的现状和思考。
      Germany is one of the world’s richest countries, but inequality is on the rise. While the power elite are pulling ahead, the poor are falling behind at an ever more rapid rate. Meanwhile, the middle classes is shrinking at an ever-increasing rate too. Hard wor...

  • 不平等的时代 Inequality for All


    导演:Jacob Kornbluth   编剧:

    主演:Robert Reich


  • Capriccio


    导演:佐尔坦·哈斯哲里克   编剧:佐尔坦·哈斯哲里克, János Tóth

    主演:Judit Halász, János Koltai

      Zoltan Huszárik graduation of the grotesque as an aesthetic quality, excellent film portrayal. Tells the story of an "artist" who made a pre-planned suicide but fails. The true purpose of preparing vizsgafilm but only for the degree

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