
  • Video-Film Concert (including Beatles Electroniques)


    导演:白南准, Jud Yalkut   编剧:


      美国前卫艺术家白南准最重要的作品系列之一。“Video-Film Concert”系列包括6部拍摄于1966-1972年间的短片,其中第二部《Beatles Electroniques》被认为是VIDEO ART的早期经典。
      Video-Film Concert
      by Nam June Paik and Jud Yalkut
      1966-72, 1992, 34:50 min, b&w and color, sound
      Video Tape Study No. 3 1967-69, 4 min, b&w, sound
      Beatles Electroniques 1966-69, 3 min, b&w and color, sound
      Electronic Moon No. 2 1969, 4:30 min, color, sound

  • 街头时尚和珠宝 Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:   编剧:格雷格·莫托拉, Leanne Shapton


      这个名称古怪的小说出自艺术家、作家莲妮·夏普顿(Leanne Shapton)之手,这部虚构作品是以一份拍卖目录的形式出现,夏普顿表示她的灵感来自于一些房地产宣传册里的描述方式,因为它们通常提示着上任主人的隐晦生活。
      书中有两位主人公,40岁还在全球疯跑的摄影师哈尔·莫里斯(Hal Morris)和《泰晤士报》美食专栏作家、快入而立之年的勒诺·杜兰(Lenore Doolan),两人共同生活了四年,小说讲述两人的感情生活,并把叙述集中在他们使用过的物件上,许多东西最终都走上了拍卖台:书籍、睡衣、床头灯、毛绒松鼠、羔皮大衣,等等。这一切都暗示着我们身处在一个物质至上、危机四伏的时代。

  • 新星:什么是梦 NOVA: What Are Dreams

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Charles Colville, Sarah Holt   编剧:

    主演:Deirdre Barrett, Tina Cursley, Tom Cursley

      Leading dream researchers demonstrate the extraordinary equipment they use to investigate the world of sleep, including human narcoleptics, sleepwalking cats, recurrent nightmares, and people who claim to be unable to dream.

  • BBC:失落的远古瑰宝:古希腊 Lost Treasures of the Ancient World: Ancient Greece


    导演:Chris Gormlie   编剧:David Manson


      "Lost Treasures..." takes the viewer on an incredible journey to witness the breathtaking beauty of the Acropolis and The Parthenon - now and as they once were - and the majesty of the remains at Delphi, including the inspiring temple of Zeus.

  • 沙漠玫瑰 Rosa de Areia


    导演:玛格丽达·科代罗, 安东尼奥·雷斯   编剧:玛格丽达·科代罗, 安东尼奥·雷斯


      Cordeiro's most abstract, conceptual and literary work. The film's collage structure gathers texts from multiple sources - including Kafka and Montaigne.

  • 消失的蓝色星球 Last Call at the Oasis


    导演:虞琳敏   编剧:虞琳敏, Alex Prud'homme

    主演:Tim Barnett, Bob Bowcock, 艾琳·布鲁克维奇-埃利斯, Jay Famiglietti, 吉娜·盖莱果

      This shocking investigation into the world's water crisis, draws upon the work of scientists and activists including the real Erin Brockovich, from Academy Award-winning director Jessica Yu and the producer's of "Food, Inc."

  • 黑暗骑士花絮:创造一个哥谭市 Gotham Uncovered: Creation of a Scene


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:林迪·海明, 詹姆斯·纽顿·霍华德, 保罗·詹宁斯, 沃利·菲斯特, 理查德·金, 巴斯特·雷维斯, 查尔斯·罗文, 李·史密斯, 克里斯托弗·诺兰, 克里斯蒂安·贝尔, 艾玛·托马斯, 汉斯·季默, 格雷厄姆·丘彻亚德, 克里斯·考博德, 乔治·科特尔, 内森·克劳利, 尼克·戴维斯, 凯文·德·拉·诺伊, 鲍勃·戈雷利克

      Director Christopher Nolan and creative collaborators unmask the incredible detail and planning behind the film, including stunt staging, filming in IMAX®, and the new Bat-suit and Bat-pod.

  • 牧师的结局 Faráruv konec


    导演:埃瓦尔德·朔尔姆   编剧:埃瓦尔德·朔尔姆, 约瑟夫·什克沃雷茨基

    主演:Jan Schmid, 伊日·西科拉, 雅罗斯拉夫·毛奇卡, Ludmila Lebedová, Andrea Cunderlíková, Marie Rybnícková, Jaroslav Satoranský, 弗拉迪米尔·瓦伦塔, 马丁·鲁热克, Vladimir Jedenáctik, Václav Kotva, Jan Cmíral, 伊里·里拉, 伏拉基米尔·布劳德斯基, 扬·利比切克, 亚娜·布赖霍娃, Zdena Skvorecka, Josefa Pechlatová, Helena Ruzicková, Eva Repíková, Marie Landova, Libuse Freslová, Jana Synková, 帕维尔·兰多夫斯基, 弗拉迪米尔·赫拉巴内克

      A verger, who likes to dress as a priest, is invited, by one of the villagers, to be the pastor at a vacant church. The atheist teacher resents the pastor, and tries to embarrass him in various ways, including being caught with the local girl, Majka.

  • 迪奥·真我 Dior J'adore

    类型:短片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:让-雅克·阿诺   编剧:

    主演:玛琳·黛德丽, 格蕾丝·凯利, 玛丽莲·梦露, 查理兹·塞隆

      Actress Charlize Theron is backstage getting ready for the runway show, the other models in the spectacular line-up including Grace Kelly, Marlene Dietrich, and Marilyn Monroe.

  • 写在水中的承诺 Promises Written in Water


    导演:文森特·加洛   编剧:文森特·加洛

    主演:Vincent Gallo, Lisa Love, Delfine Bafort, Sage Stallone

      Shot in black-and-white, this fiercely independent film traces the steps a young photographer takes to fulfil the dying wishes of a beautiful young woman, including getting a job in a funeral parlour so he can oversee her cremation.