
  • 血回廊 Corridors of Blood

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:罗伯特·戴   编剧:Jean Scott Rogers

    主演:波利斯·卡洛夫, 贝塔·圣约翰, 克里斯托弗·李, 芬利·柯里

      为了解决外科手术带来的痛苦,十九世纪四十年代伦敦的Thomas Bolton医生致力研究一种基于鸦片的麻醉药,不久他因此染上了毒瘾。为了使实验能够进行下去同时满足毒瘾,他不得不面对利用他签名出售尸体的谋杀犯。

  • 欢迎来到杀人学校 F


    导演:Johannes Roberts   编剧:约翰内斯·罗伯茨

    主演:David Schofield, Eliza Bennett, Ruth Gemmell

      当学校遭到袭击时,一位愤世嫉俗的英文老师不得不面对他可怕的恶魔们…… A world-weary English teacher has to face his most terrifying demons when his comprehensive school comes under attack from a group of youths intent on spreading terror through-out the corridors.

  • Motus


    导演:Élodie Wallace   编剧:Élodie Wallace


      Alice gets lost in a hospital's maze of corridors, driven by the urgency of settling scores with an attacker from her past, who is now dying. It's a race against the clock to at last speak about the pain caused.

  • 吸血鬼之舞 La Sanguisuga conduce la danza

    类型:悬疑片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:里佐·弗雷多里佐   编剧:里佐·弗雷多里佐

    主演:费米·贝努西, 吉雅科莫·罗西·斯图尔特, 克丽斯塔·妮尔, 帕特里齐亚·韦伯利, 卢西亚诺·皮格齐

      Gothic lesbians prowl the corridors of a miserable little castle in Italy and fall prey to a deranged count with resplendent canine gnashers, a ghostly white complexion and the personality of Atilla the Hun.