
  • Tom Segura: Completely Normal


    导演:Jay Chapman   编剧:Tom Segura

    主演:Tom Segura

  • You've Never Been Completely Honest

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:乔伊·伊佐   编剧:乔伊·伊佐

    主演:Max Baumgarten, Ian Bratschie, DeMorge Brown

      Through animation and reenactment, You’ve Never Been Completely Honest brings to life Gene Church’s

  • Completely Unrehearsed Last Minute Pandemic Holiday Special


    导演:   编剧:杰夫·邓纳姆


      Jeff Dunham, along with the usual cast of dummies presents all-new comedy material.

  • 我真的没事 Totally Completely Fine


    导演:Lucy Gaffy, Adrian Chiarella   编剧:格蕾塔·维拉, Keir Wilkins, Emme Hoy

    主演:托马辛·麦肯齐, 德文·特雷尔, Brandon McClelland, James Sweeny, 罗温·维特, Contessa Treffone, 罗温·维特 Rowan Witt, Brigid Zengeni

      Inspired by true events, six-part dark comedy Totally Completely Fine, a Sundance Now Original series

  • 丹尼尔·托什:非常严肃 Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious


    导演:Manny Rodriguez   编剧:丹尼尔·托什

    主演:Daniel Tosh

  • 以规则之名 Psy 3: W imie zasad

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Wladyslaw Pasikowski   编剧:

    主演:赛巴斯汀·法比杰斯基, 马辛·多洛辛斯基, 沃伊切赫·杰林斯基, 博古斯瓦夫·林达, 采扎里·帕祖拉, 阿尔卡迪乌什·雅库比克, 米罗斯洛·巴卡, 托马斯·舒查特, 亚特·祖米卓斯基, 让·弗里兹

      Franz Maurer is released after 25 years in prison and finds a completely changed Poland.

  • 环锯术 Trepanation

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Patrick Flaherty   编剧:Patrick Flaherty


      What was once familiar is now unrecognizable. All previous desires are overshadowed by the need to disappear completely.

  • 交椅 Fotel

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:丹尼尔·什切胡拉   编剧:Emil Saski, 丹尼尔·什切胡拉


      5 min
      2 Wins:
      1964, Cracow Film Festival, Silver Dragon: For an interesting subject of social importance, presented in a completely unique and original form.
      1964, Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Grand Prize.

  • 瓷 Porselein


    导演:Jenneke Boeijink   编剧:Jenneke Boeijink, Thibaud Delpeut

    主演:吉恩·伯沃依兹, Flor Decleir, Joris Smit, Bert Luppes, Tom Vermeir, 劳拉·德波尔, Neathan van der Gronden, 特蕾莎·萨班农盖, 马蒂金·哈特明克, 佩吉·弗莱延斯, 约翰·海尔登贝格, Rafi Albers, 汉·凯尔科夫斯, Romana Vrede, 克里斯汀·丹克尔斯

      Paul and Anna live an apparently happy and successful life. But when their son inexplicably falls ill, the facade of a seemingly happy family life crumbles completely, like brittle porcelain that can no longer be glued.

  • 米奇·巴德 Micky Bader

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Frida Kempff   编剧:

    主演:Ebba Heyman

      Micky is just about to turn 100, but that doesn't stop her from the year-round swimming with her friends at her beloved bathing club. She talks about big events, thoughts and a decision that made her life take a completely new direction.

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