
  • 大屠杀:吞噬过去 Carnage: Swallowing the Past


    导演:西蒙·阿姆斯特尔   编剧:西蒙·阿姆斯特尔

    主演:萨曼莎·斯毕洛, 詹姆斯·史密斯, 詹姆斯·布鲁尔, 马丁·弗瑞曼, 贾马恩·亨特, 马丁·希姆斯, 琳赛·邓肯


  • 香烟 La cigarette


    导演:谢尔曼·杜拉克   编剧:雅克·德巴龙切利

    主演:Andrée Brabant, Gabriel Signoret, Jules Raucourt, Genevieve Williams

      A Parisian museum director believes his wife has lost interest in him and so places a poisoned cigarette in the box on his desk - thus allowing chance to decide the moment of his death.

  • 艾曼纽2000:亲密接触 Emmanuelle 2000: Emmanuelle's Intimate Encounters


    导演:罗尔夫·坎尼斯基   编剧:罗尔夫·坎尼斯基

    主演:霍莉·桑普森, 谢娜·奥勃良, Lyle Skosey, Brandy Miller, Jason Schnuit, John McCafferty, Carlos Milano, 格里芬·德鲁

      A couple has a machine that gives the paraplegic wife different degrees of mind and body control of other people, allowing her to feel the sexual pleasure that women sleeping with her husband feel. Emmanuelle joins the testing.

  • 华夫饼 Waffles

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Foster Wilson   编剧:Brian Leahy

    主演:珍妮·梅森, Leslie Stevens

      A young, gay millennial discovers she's slept with the enemy and has to choose between swallowing her pride and standing by her principles.