
  • 二十世纪二、三十年代实验电影集 Avant-Garde 1: Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and 30s

    类型:短片电影, 音乐片电影, 黑色电影片电影

    导演:费尔南德·莱热, 让·爱泼斯坦, 马塞尔·杜尚, 奥逊·威尔斯, 谢尔盖·爱森斯坦   编剧:


      In the latter half of the 20th Century, Raymond Rohauer was one of the nation's foremost proponents of experimental cinema. Programming diverse films at the Coronet Theatre in Los Angeles, and making the films in his personal archive available for commercial distribution, he helped preserve and promote avant-garde cinema.
      This two-DVD collection assembles some of the most influ...

  • 流犯 De fredløse

    类型:动作片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:亨里克·马丁·道斯贝肯   编剧:Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken

    主演:菲利普·伯格, 丽娅·波伊森, 本杰明·海尔斯德, 英加·海尔格·吉姆勒, Eirik Evjen, Cecilie A. Mosli, Åsmund Høeg, Oskar Sandven Lundevold, Stein Winge, Kai Kolstad Rødseth

      Set in the 1920s, two drifters are being chased by the police after a failed train robbery.

  • 哭泣的草原 Ұлы дала зары


    导演:Marina Kunarova   编剧:Marina Kunarova

    主演:Dulyga Akmolda, Akylkhan Almassov, Sayazhan Kulymbetova, Adilet Zhangali, Rayana Daulet

      70% of indigenous population of Kazakhstan died during the Great Famine, artificially imposed on people in the 1920s by the Bolsheviks. Overcoming blind fear of death and despair, an eagle hunter Turar tries to save his family.

  • 千禧纪念日 Yubiley


    导演:弗拉基米尔·塔拉索夫   编剧:Viktor Slavkin


      The cartoon is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the animated film. It contains a retrospective of fragments of Soviet animation from its inception in the 1920s to the beginning of the 1980s.

  • Elämän vonkamies


    导演:Mikko Niskanen   编剧:Maija-Leena Ervasti


      A curious and stubborn boy Kalle has to grow up fast in northern Finland in the 1920s. When his lumberjack father gets ill, Kalle has to take his place as a provider for the family.

  • 浮光掠影 Tren de sombras


    导演:何塞·路易斯·格林   编剧:何塞·路易斯·格林

    主演:Jessica Andrieu, Anne Céline Auche, Juliette Gautier, Marc Montserrat, Ivon Orvain

      A silent homage to the origins of cinema, recreating the apparent disappearance of a French photographer in the 1920s. Experimental.

  • 手足共舞 Dance Brothers


    导演:Taito Kawata   编剧:


      The story will follow two brothers in the 1920s who start a dance company.

  • 伊莎朵拉 Isadora

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:卡雷尔·赖兹   编剧:克里夫·埃克斯顿, 伊莎朵拉·邓肯, 玛格丽特·德拉布尔


      A biography of the dancer Isadora Duncan, the 1920s dancer who forever changed people's ideas of ballet. Her nude, semi-nude, and pro-Soviet dance projects as well as her attitudes on free love, debt, dress, and lifestyle shocked the public of her time.